Before you can appeal please see the FAQ's below regarding when and how to appeal
Before you can appeal please see the FAQ's below regarding when and how to appeal
Before you can appeal please see the FAQ's below regarding when and how to appeal
Before you can appeal please see the FAQ's below regarding when and how to appeal
If your vehicle has been immobilised, you do have the right to appeal if you feel the immobilisation was issued unfairly.
Your appeal must show legal evidence that you had autorisation to park your vehicle in one of the designated Park & Ride sites. Failing to do so will see your appeal denied.
Below are some examples and the likely outcome:
It was a nice day so i decided to walk/go for a walk and catch the tram back.
You cannot appeal for this reason. Parking is for NET Tram users only and you must always proceed immediately and directly to the Tram as per the warning signs situated throughout the car park.
Until you purchase a ticket or tap your card you are not a NET customer.
Appeal denied.
I am new to the tram system
You cannot appeal for this reason. It is your responsibility to gather an understanding of rules and regulations when using when using a car park anywhere within the UK.
Appeal denied.
I forgot to validate/touch on my Season pass
Under normal circumstances, you cannot appeal for this reason. Please see the conditions of your Season Pass.
We may consider an appeal under exceptional circumstances.
I forgot to validate/touch on with my Pay as you Go card or contactless card/device
You cannot appeal for this reason. It is your responsibility to scan your payment card before you leave the car park.
I was parked out of bay but there were plenty of other spaces.
The byelaw is very specific that all vehicles must be parked in the confines of a parking bay.
Appeal denied.
I Parked in a "No Parking", "Hatched areas" or "Red Pathways"
The byelaws are very specific about where vehicles are parked due to health, safety and security reasons.
Appeal denied.
I parked in a disabled Bay
The terms of using the blue badge are clearly stated on the Government website.
We may consider an appeal under exceptional circumstances, otherwise appeal denied.
I parked in a Parent & Child Bay but my child is at home/school etc.
Who is eligible to use the parent and child bays? The parent and child bays are reserved for parents travelling with children who still require a car seat, booster or pushchair. The additional space benefits parents who need a little more room to help youngsters get in and out of the car who require at least a booster seat. If your child is either over the age of 12 or travels without the aid of a booster or car seat, then you will need to use the normal bays.
Your appeal will be denied.
If you feel you have exceptional circumstances or a legal reason, you may wish to appeal.
Please note all appeals will be answered within 30 days on receipt of your appeal.
CPS Midlands Ltd take complaints received that are submitted by either motorist, or other involved entities seriously. The company policy going forward is to use any information learned to help improve our commitment to the motorist, our clients and ourselves.
Our policy is to ensure that we handle complaints
CPS Midlands Ltd take complaints received that are submitted by either motorist, or other involved entities seriously. The company policy going forward is to use any information learned to help improve our commitment to the motorist, our clients and ourselves.
Our policy is to ensure that we handle complaints fairly, efficiently, and in accordance with our accredited assoiation guide lines. Our main aim is to ensure that our complaints procedure is correctly carried out, so that complaintants have the confidence that their complaints are dealt with fairly and within th required time frame.
A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction about the services that is expected of CPS Midlands Ltd., their staff and services provided by us.
There is a difference between a wish to contest an Immobilisation Charge and that of a formal complaint. If a motorist wishes to dispute anImmobilisation Chage this not a formal complaint and therefore the motorist should proceed to contest the Immobilisation Charge notice via the appeals route as directed above. If their appeal is rejected it still does not become a formal complaint.
Complaints can be received from Motorists, Drivers, Hirers or Registered Keepers. If a complaint is submitted by an authorised third party, on behalf of a motorist, we may require further evidence of authorisation as per General Data Protection Regulations 2018.
All complaints and their outcome will be recorded and stored on our secure system for 36 months. The data stored will include any information provided or associated with the complaint. This data includes, but not restricted to, a copy of the complaint and the date received, all correspondence associated with the complaint, our response to the complaint. If the complaint cocerned a Parking Charge then all the documentation and images connected with and pertaining to it will be noted.
If a complaint has merit and cause, then any corrective/ retraining that is required to prevent an occurence will be under taken and logged accordingly.
Complaints must be submitted in writing by letter to, CPS Midlands Ltd, P.O.Box 11175 , Nottingham, NG2 9YN. We would advise sending your complaint via Royal Mail Signed For (Recorded Delivery).
Your Complaint should contain all the evidence and facts that you wish us to consider and to assist us in dealing fairly with your complaint,along with your registration number.
On receipt of a complaint, an acknowledgement will be sent within a few working days to confirm that the complaint has been received, this may be by post or by email if its supplied.
It may become necessary while investigating a complaint that we may need to contact you for further information.
Complaints will be reviewed and dealt with by a competent person who has had training within to deal with complaints. Each complaint will be investigated individually, and fairly.
Complaint handlers are updated and retrained where necessary to keep up todate with updates and changes from governing bodies and legislation.
If a complaint includes information that is deemed to be an appeal, the appeals procedure will be initiated, and the complainant will be informed of this action. If it is a 2-part letter ie Appeal and complaint, the appeal will be actioned as an appeal and the complaint dealt with as a complaint and the complainant notified accordingly.
All complaints should be acknowledged within a few days but no longer than 28 working days and a full response within 35 days. If this deadline cannot be met because of the need for further evidence or investigation then a new date will be provided.
When our investigation is complete CPS Midlands Ltd will notify you of the outcome by letter or email (if email address supplied) and the reasons for our decision.
Once you have been notified of our decision the full informatioin and all documents concerning the complaint will be held on file on our secure system for 36 months.